Hosting your own home concert is not difficult. All you need is the space (or a friend who has the space), some neighbors who like to have fun, and we’ll take it from there. 

Hosts receive a 90-minute to 2-hour show with slide show (we can patch in to any smart TV), signed posters of your event, designed and illustrated by Antsy hizself, and the satisfaction of knowing you provided a houseful of people with a night of music and laughter they won’t soon forget. 

Costs vary, but can usually be absorbed by charging your guests, just as you would any concert or event. Many hosts provide 

It’s not uncommon for hosts of an Antsy McClain home concert to be called things like “awesome,” “a real life-saver,” and yes, even “hero.” 

“After a rough couple of years,” says Antsy, “I’m taking a break from the grind of larger shows. I feel the need to travel lighter and reconnect with my tribe in smaller, more comfortable environments. I’ll get back to the clubs and theaters again, but for right now, this feels right. I’m following my heart.”